
Showing posts from 2015

Why God(s) must die

By fear or hope humanity lives to live beyond through gods and heavens. Humanity always lived and held believe in one or more gods. Either because they feared what they didn't understand or for the hope of after life. The belief that in the sky there's a supreme god that can explain everything that we don't understand and we don't have control over everything gives us the illusion that we can leave it to god to make the choices for us and we wont be responsible for what is happening and we don't need to get involved and take charge. On the other side is the weirdly combined elements of fear and hope of a heaven after death. We only have fear of god so that it won't punish us here on earth or in after life by sending us to heaven. And we hope that if we live a righteous life we get in heaven and see all those dear to us that have past on. All these things give us men and women the power to go on with our lives with hope and power through though times with th

American Sniper and the shitheads

FOR FUCKS SAKE! It's time for me to do this. I just can't shut up about this anymore. So if do or do not know there is that little movie called American Sniper. This little movie is nominated for a handful of Oscars, but everyone fucking started saying that this movie is propaganda for the US Military and the crimes they committed to be forgiven or shown as acts of bravery and spread hate against the Muslims. Which is fucking outrageous and down right retarded. These motherfuckers are all retarded. No doubt these fuckers should not have kids. But this wasn't what the movie wanted to show at all. And if you wanted to do this after you got out of the movie you are retarded no doubt. At the other end like I said is those that think the movie does this on purpose, they are equally retarded. Why? Well because this movie did nothing to suggest that any of the things people are saying and are getting offended about. Why? Let's start with the fact that this movie begins w