
Showing posts from September, 2017


It took me some time. There is a reason behind everything we do. There's a reason I came to this conclusion. And I don't want to attack anyone. I am simply stating what I've been through and how I got here.  Each and everyone of us seek a path, seek to do something from simply being happy and having our own little space and place in this world, to those that want to influence the world in a way or another and make a mark in our history. We each strive for that something that makes us feel like we're living and that makes us feel like it's worth it. As irrational as we might be, we still find some sort of reason in what we do and want. So a few years back when I decided I wanted to write books, since I was writing on this blog, since I was writing my own song lyrics and since I liked writing and storytelling. From anime, manga, movies, TV shows, certain and very specific books, life itself and the narratives I used to entertain the either boring or tough life.