
Showing posts from 2014

Motivational Speaker A Top 25

Okay this is a rant, man I didn't do a rant in a long time. But anyway for those new to my rants it works like this usually I pick a topic and start mocking the certain thing I think is idiotic or just plain stupid. I try to do it in a funny way, even though I fail or you just don't get the humor you nimrods. So let's get to it since this is one of my favorite things to pick on facebook and well everywhere I find one on the internet. Motivational quotes or pictures: Like this one: 1. "Yeah, I mean you didn't die this morning, so you failed at dying, which disappointed many of us. But you keep trying and if sleep doesn't help you. Try to get a hang of it all." So let's me pick some more and try to have fun with them. 2. Yeah man can wait to see how you're gonna tell your sun that he's proof that you tried. And failed to pull out in time. Heh, that one was mean... 3. First of all you should kill the fucker that's chock

Why we lie

Today I found out why we lie, not just in general, but to ourselves too. It's so that we can cope with the reality we live in. We lie so that we maintain hope when there is none. So that we keep ourselves together in though times, to keep out fears away and out life going on no matter what happens. Even if it means we lose touch with reality just to keep a small thread of hope floating in the air with us holding it and tugging on it until it rips and we crash land on truth and in reality. In the darkest night, in the blackest hour a lie is our savior, being it God, heaven, rebirth, or a last minute cure or miracle. Nothing can beat a good lie, reality can never get up to par to a good lie, not even in realities true and ugly form. Because whenever we get hit by reality we create an ever bigger lie, even if it doesn't make any sense what so ever. A lie can save a marriage, it can save a relationship or a life. We play on guitars with broken strings just to keep the lie going and

Gamergate FemiNazi

Okay here's a "problem" I find quite often online. Women being objectified in games, there's sexism in gaming, games are only made for boys and men. NOT TRUE! There are plenty of games for women/girls. There are plenty of games that let you chose your gender and don't force sexism or objectify anything. Sure there are more mainstream games for guys, sure some women look rather sexist in them or have sexist male ideologies in their traits. But let's not forget that it's gaming we're talking about, it's art and a hobby, so there's no point in this whole debate about games are for sexist pigs or are made by sexist pigs. Here's the thing sex sales, but I haven't seen one good game lately where the man protagonist is sexist in any way. I mean grow some balls, women, if games were truly sexist the woman in them wouldn't have guns or swords or powers, they would be beat up by the protagonist. Want to make the point that the armor and look

The Trifecta

I don't know how to really start this post, it's not because I didn't write for a long time, but because of the subject that can be interpreted in a very wrong way. So I'll just start this... Obviously social media is a big part of our life, and even a necessary one if you're using it the right way. Of course many people don't, but I'll leave that for another time, right now I want to focus on other things, things that are a routine already and we're too familiar with. And I think that may be a bad thing. So let's split this post in two categories or subjects, since there are many things to grasp and talk about. Well the first subject is IGNORANCE: Like I wrote above social media is great and necessary if you know how to use it right, from marketing to learning and to news. But to be honest people are ignorant, and many times because they have "friends" or "follow" people with the same taste and opinion as their own. From what

A 2 for 1 Special Rant

1. One random day you were born in this beautiful world and someone told you that day is special. Well they lied it's a Tuesday. Besides ladies, stop lying, you aren't 21 anymore you are 32. And saying that you are 32 years young just makes you look like an insecure, afraid to die alone bitch. And another think, those 300 facebook friends that just wrote on your wall "happy birthday" don't even give a shit, their only intention is to make you write them back on their birthday. Thanking some assholes that are your "friends" because they took 2 fucking seconds to write happy birthday, just makes you look like a pretentious self-absorbed asshole, so don't bother doing shit like that when no one even cares. If you think that you're so special that you have to party 3 days and nights in a row, you are either delusional or suicidal but both in denial. No one in their right mind things that they should celebrate that much, even the Kim Jong-Un doesn

Another Top 10 Of Top 10

It's been almost four months since our last Top 10. So here's another very helpful top 10 about top tens we can't live without. If you missed the last Top 10 of Top 10 well here it is: Number 10 : Top 10 things a woman wants to hear. Because a woman on menopause knows best about all the 4.5 billion women on the planet and how they are and what they like. Number 9:  Top 10 easy ways to look like a celebrity. Because you're a shitty person with even shittier personality that must be told how to dress and act. Number 8: Top 10 things you didn't know about women or men that have nothing to do with science or any kind of proof, but you were stupid enough to click on this link. You insecure, ignorant idiot. Number 7: Top 10 music charts, actually any music chart that is on TV. Because paying money to make people listen to your fucking song ever half an hour it's worth it and then have it be in a

Dear Mother,

There's nothing more special than a woman that takes care of you and is by your side, even though she suffers. She holds everything to herself and endures, every mistake you make, every time you make her cry she hides and doesn't show it. Her touch and her care will be always with you. I could start writing so many beautiful things and I could make every mother seem to be a goddess. The truth is, there are no words to describe a woman that takes care of the man she loves and the children she has. I could make this post bigger and longer than any book there is describing what a mother is and what she is doing. But what for? When you can't explain, describe and make someone understand what a mother is. The only thing I know we can do, is to celebrate them everyday, not just today or on their birthday or christmas, but everyday.  The only thing I know I have to say is: I'm sorry, I love you. I might be stupid, I might have hurt you, but you know that I will always

Women over Men? Or Men over Women?

I don't really watch TV, but today while I was eating I saw one interesting subject that was discussed. The subject was "Women over Men or Men over Women". And it's and interesting topic. Is it okay, for a man to know if she wins more than him? Or should women always win less than the man she lives with? Or should a man be okay with the fact that his SO earns more than him? Let's wrap up this "problem" fast. We're are changing and entering a new stage as a society, with us being more acceptable towards gay and every type of ethnicity there is. So this subject shouldn't be a problem, but it is. Why? Because we are in transition and the rules aren't set out and we're not clear how everything is supposed to be. All because of pride, ego, shame, ego and preconceived notions. First question was: "Is it okay for a woman to earn more than a man?" Easy, yes. Second question: "Should the man know if she earns more than h

Up, Up Date [Updated]

Week in Review: This week we introduced new readers to the blog, we had two great stories and plenty of news. Updates: New on the blog starting this Sunday: We will do a WeekNet review of the week. Which means plenty of viral videos, stories and fun stuff.  And a new section within called NSFW(Not Safe For Work) The W.T.F.News will have a slight change. Meaning, ten stories per post two times a week, usually Tuesday and Thursday and a week in review on the WeekNet. Why is this happening? Well because I want to maintain focus more on the stories, chapters, rants that are already prepared for you. Special mention: This week which here, more exactly the 1st and 8th of march will be focused only on those that are so special to us. Mainly mothers and the women in our lives. So this entire time which already started will be focused on stories which involves those great unspoken heroes of our lives. This weeks program: Three new stories, two letters, since I saw you loved the V

A Letter For Girls And Women

Dear Girls and Women, This is supposed to be an open letter from me to you, obviously. The reason I write this, is because you are so much better then what you are now, and don't take offense. There are many exceptions from the "rules" I'm about to talk. But when the majority does it, it is just sad. So dear girls or women, I might not now your story as you like to point out so much and I might not be the standard for anyone to be like. I might make myself a hypocrite, it's just that I want to point out the way you look, not the way you are. There's a certain formula to be socially accepted and a extremely low level of fame, like having thousands of "friends" and followers. But the problem I see is, that you play by the rules because that's the order, and how things work. And no one will point that out, even if it would, you wouldn't consider it. Most of the guys like tits, ass or a worked body or otherwise they wouldn't even consider

Love Me, Love Me, Love Me, Fuck You

A while ago I talked about love misconception and where not to look for it. I see problems and frustration about people like and talk to a person they wan to be with. I see them failing at starting the relationships and giving them up, which might be the right thing to do. Because you should never try to convince someone of who you are and what do you believe in. People cry over the friendzone, even though it wouldn't work out how you imagined it to work. Nothing does, nothing will work with that kind of precision when it comes to relationships. Still we fight our way through flirts, we prize ourselves to impress someone that will hurt us in the long run. We take risks for believing and giving our love to those that are not worthy of it and cry even more after it ends. We fight for love without tears and dreams that make us feel alive. The loneliness makes us vulnerable and naive so we crave and search and search. We are jealous and afraid of losing what we have through time an


Trying to look like a saint after murders, it doesn't work. People frown down on something that it might be consider bad. Well the truth is that they are cretins, because it has that stench of thief screaming thief. For example the "cured" alcoholics that after their addiction start pointing fingers and being proud of being clean. They are the perfect example of assholes. Because if you had that problem it doesn't mean that everyone has it as long as they don't damage the people around them. The same thing goes for the people that bash smokers, you're just assholes. And people that quit smoking forget that smokers know that it's bad for them and don't need a constant reminder. The argument being made that you die either way, of course that's a very depressing argument. But that doesn't mean we should do drugs and fuck everything there is, just because we will die anyway. We are meant to thrive not kill ourselves. Going back to those that quit

A Picture (Caution it's a rant and if you can't handle it, do not read it)

It was always said that a picture can express thousands of words, until today. Literally, you assholes took everything that was beautiful about capturing a moment and turned it in shit. I think I saw every fucking angle on your faces and bodies, I mean you can brag and shit, but you over do it people. You cry that you don't have privacy when you give away your fucking location willingly with every store you pass by or place you drink or eat. And take pictures every five fucking minutes, we went on the moon and only took five fucking pictures and you douches go to the bathroom in a mall and take thirty seven. Pictures were supposed to capture once in a life time events or reunions, or breath taking moments when you feel the pain, or joy just by looking at the picture and not knowing the context; you could understand it and know what's about. But the only things I get out of today's pictures are: attention whore, stupid bitch, giant douche, that's not how you're s

A bloggers rant

OH dear Google, you really went full evil, didn't you? Google the site that enslaved human kind, you genius bastards. You are the biggest search engine, biggest video and entertaining platform and you love fucking with those that love you. Since you surprised the world in 2006 by buying, grew bigger and stronger. You helped to revolutionize the internet and especially the video entertainment, you gave chances to those in need, those small but good enough to do what they love. In 2009 you launched Android and entered the smartphone business, which grew so big it outshines every OS there is for smartphones. A year later you launched Google +, a new social media platform which was too damn hard to understand for any human kind. In those years you also bought and raised, this...Blogger. A new way for people to write and express their thoughts and helped talented writers and photographers, painters and artists to show case their talents. But you wanted change in the last


So you think you know what it means to be mad, to be out of the ordinary? Well then let me contradict you. "-You think small risks and taking silly photos means you're mad? Or special in any way? No...No you're not. You're nothing but some pathetic boy or girl with a smartphone and a silly pose somewhere in the middle of a random city. You think that, that's madness? You clueless, clueless bastard. Until you've seen what I've seen, you have no idea what being even crazy even means. Making all these grave words seem so ordinary, so cliche. Want to know something? It's because of your stupid little games, and all this bad acting of what you call your social life, filled with, butterflies and dreams and freedom. But, you are imprisoned in an illusion of choice, you pitiful being,  in a life you hate so much. So that the simple idea of madness makes you think you're free and that you have power and all the "normal" things, you'd hope to

Up to date

Tonight chapter four will be up, so stay tuned for that. The Chapters will be expended to fifteen because it's more to talk and question in this world. Of course This kind of posts will go one but not as chapters but individual posts. The rest of the chapters will be released on this dates: Chapter Four: Temptation - 25.01 Chapter Five: Limits - 31.01 Chapter Six: Fair(ness) - 7.02 Chapter Seven: Questionable questing of questions - 14.02 Chapter Eight:  Rationality - 21.02 Chapter Nine: Knowledge -28.02 Chapter Ten: Warriors - 5.03 Chapter Eleven: Progress - 12.03 Chapter Twelve:  Technological Togetherness - 19.03 Chapter Thirteen: Socially Challenged -26.03 Chapter Fourteen: Intelligence - 2.04 Chapter Fifteen: A solution - 9.04 Two stories in the upcoming days: Madness - 26.01 Nobody - 28.01 And probably a rant or two also. Thanks for reading and meanwhile don't forget to revisit and read older posts. Also enjoy the video that comes with the update


Okay, I've said that I don't want to repeat myself, but damn I can't. Okay, look I'm just going to say a few words and let you with a nice documentary that will blow your fucking heads. So clear about 45 minutes of your day and enjoy this rant. So once upon a time there was a cunt, his name was Headinass. He was very stubborn and oh so gullible, it didn't matter if you had facts and proof. Mr. Headinass refused to think or accept anything but what he believed is true. So after many years of screaming like a douche and saying bullshit people got enough of him, and stapled his mouth. And the world went happily ever after without ever hearing again from Mr. Headinass. The End.

Four Dimensions

We're totally fucked. The story is that some guys invented the four dimensional printer. Yes, you read that right, Science World had a recent article which said that some science guys invented a printer that prints a fourth dimension. WTF?! Let me get this straight you want to tell me that the top scientists that work in Geneva that tried to redo the big bang and failed, are worst scientists than some random dudes that somehow brought a fourth dimension to a three dimension world? This starts to sound like an odd Ed, Edd and Eddy episode or even a weird Dexter's laboratory episode.  My other question is...How the fuck didn't the whole universe just explode? I mean, time travel isn't really possible and even if it was, the universe would explode. But why didn't explode already from another dimension in a 3 dimension reality. Well, it might be true that our eyes could be limited and maybe we can't see the fourth dimension. But, if there is no forth dimen

Saddest thing ever

(Note: Do not forget later today chapter three will be released,but until then let's smile) Why clapping/applauding is the saddest thing ever. Let's start with the act of high-five. High five is a act of smashing your hand with someone's other hand, in celebration of an effort completed as a couple .(<---- Please, do click on those words) So as a matter of fact a high five could be a total random thing or a celebration and it is always fun. Well, not really always, because there are wrong times to use the high five or down low.  Like these ones: Demanding a high five from a person that's choking Trying to high five someone that just got dumped/divorced. Doing this: When a doctor fails a surgery  At a funeral, well unless you're a villain and the one in the coffin is your archenemy  Now, what is clapping/applauding? It's a series of self high fives, fast or slow paced, for others people achievements that you had nothing or little

How Marijuana Can Kill You

Marijuana is legalized faster and faster through out the world and of course people are dying for it. How do people die from marijuana? Well you could die because of marijuana if a even a 10 kilogram bag falls on your head. It might crush your head and kill you. Making a ball of marijuana and trying to eat it and choke on it. You stumble upon a serial killer named Marijuana Getting hit by a drunk that delivers marijuana Slipping on a marijuana baggie on ice down a block breaking everything that is bone in your body. Running to pick up your prescription for marijuana and fall down a drain  Stuck marijuana in your ears(this won't kill you) Inject marijuana in your veins Smoke 5143 bowls of marijuana under 15 minutes(it's impossible,try it) Replace your marijuana with shotgun shells Do what Cartman did on south park.(it won't kill you,but you'll have a great story) Put marijuana in your nose and push it deep with the shotgun by pushing the trigger (shotgun

How to win an argument on the internet

I am proud to present a new segment on this blog. Just like Top Ten post  and the You're special post  there will be two or three times a week, rant post in between the more idea filled and opinionated posts.Of course they will be shorter, filthier, dirty minded and not for every one. So please enjoy. How to win an argument on the internet in ten easy steps. Step number one Never accept criticism and if you see that you're losing the argument tell him you fucked his sister or mother. Step number two If someone comes with an idea you were to "busy" to think of, and you want to discredit him. Intimidate him by tell him that his a well mannered man with good taste in fashion and liking into penises that will surely discourage him. Step number three Always tell the stranger you're arguing with that you actually know him,even though you have no idea who he is. And that he's just like those sony or apple(but come on apple people are pretty stupid) people.

Top 10 Of Top 10

This are the Top tens we couldn't live without: Number 10 A top ten about out outrageous thing some "celebrities" did,because we can't live our pathetic lives without knowing what a "celebrity" ate,did,smoked,said. Number 9 Top ten signs that your significant other is cheating on you. Because how would we know otherwise that our partner is cheating on us? Number 8 Top ten ways to lose weight. If it worked for the editor it might just work for you,because you're the same type of body with the same type of mechanism. Number 7 Top ten things you should know before getting into a surgery.What does a life time of work compare to when it comes to the experience of one single person when it comes to procedures. Number 6 Top ten things that a religious figure said and you should live by. Because sometimes wrong is right and what   was more then 2000 years still applies today. Number 5 A great top ten about how to make someone like you. I