Another Top 10 Of Top 10

It's been almost four months since our last Top 10. So here's another very helpful top 10 about top tens we can't live without. If you missed the last Top 10 of Top 10 well here it is:

Number 10: Top 10 things a woman wants to hear. Because a woman on menopause knows best about all the 4.5 billion women on the planet and how they are and what they like.

Number 9: Top 10 easy ways to look like a celebrity. Because you're a shitty person with even shittier personality that must be told how to dress and act.

Number 8: Top 10 things you didn't know about women or men that have nothing to do with science or any kind of proof, but you were stupid enough to click on this link. You insecure, ignorant idiot.

Number 7: Top 10 music charts, actually any music chart that is on TV. Because paying money to make people listen to your fucking song ever half an hour it's worth it and then have it be in a top that means absolutely NOTHING.

Number 6: Top 10 sings that your friends aren't really your friends. And that's why your friends aren't really your friends. Because you read shit like this instead of having a proper social life.

Number 5: Top 10 places a woman wants to be touched. Who the fuck cares that every woman is different and reacts to maybe nothing you wrote here. And if you're a guy and read that kind of a top 10, you shouldn't even be allowed to touch a woman. You moron, here's an actual advice: Read the fucking anatomy of the woman body and talk to her.

Number 4: Top 10 things about what guys actually want and think. Here we go again. You have no idea what's in a guys mind. Why? Because you're over-thinking shit, we are simple as fuck. And of course the advice for you gals: Fucking ask him and talk to him, don't try to read his mind or think that he can read your mind.

Number 3: Top 10 ways to find your significant other by their sign and your horoscopes. Because dead stars that are far away and  the position of a planet in our solar system is, will fuck up your life for sure. I mean it's impossible that what happens to you is a coincidence isn't it? And the fact that you're a stupid insecure person.

Number 2: Top 10 easy ways to win the lottery. I mean, there are only over millions of combinations for a winning lottery ticket, I bet this top 10 will surely make sense because the writer is already filthy rich by winning the lottery 200 times in a row, that's why he writes on a shitty site and he isn't in Maldive with models in a giant villa.

Honorable mentions:
Top 10 reasons to start any activity, which isn't influenced by money from a certain company that is doing that.
Top 10 ways to look sexy, you will look like a whore, I guarantee it.
This second Top 10 of Top 10

NUMBER 1: Top 10 easy steps to make your dream come true. It's never been easier to be the New Hitler by following these steps. Or to make an actual career in the real world where there are many laws and steps that you can't jump over. But don't despair any dream you have you won't live it, because you are this stupid. Instead of properly educate yourself, you read nonsense like this.


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