Why God(s) must die

By fear or hope humanity lives to live beyond through gods and heavens.

Humanity always lived and held believe in one or more gods. Either because they feared what they didn't understand or for the hope of after life. The belief that in the sky there's a supreme god that can explain everything that we don't understand and we don't have control over everything gives us the illusion that we can leave it to god to make the choices for us and we wont be responsible for what is happening and we don't need to get involved and take charge. On the other side is the weirdly combined elements of fear and hope of a heaven after death. We only have fear of god so that it won't punish us here on earth or in after life by sending us to heaven. And we hope that if we live a righteous life we get in heaven and see all those dear to us that have past on. All these things give us men and women the power to go on with our lives with hope and power through though times with the belief that everything is going to be okay after we die and that our reward is behind that painful end.

Religion and gods have united many people in the past and even now, from entire countries to families, but it also drove us apart as humans, with the belief that one God is truer than the next God. We killed in the name of the true God too much and we hate in the name of God too much. All we should take from the Holy books should be that we need to love and cherrish each other. But all we want is to find the right to hate and explain that that our holy book gives us the right to hate. Even though we are all the same race. We lost our will to want to explore and explain, to love and help.
Religion is trying to change and adapt but people are still in the same mind state. And we get greedy, we hate that our right to hate is taken away by people that try to change and adapt the religion. Because we can't justify our hate anymore, we can't just hate gays and other relihions anymore and that pisses us off. We started saying that the pope is too liberal and we shouldn't recognize him as the righteous pope anymore. We live in this world where people don't kill or steal because they are afraid of God, a world where if someone takes our right to hate we hate him and where if our religion or prophet is mocked we kill.

But that's not the world God intended us to live in. But then again these gods never really did anything good for us. Plagues, disasters and suffering these aren't things a god should put the people he created and loves go through. Maybe if we just kill these gods and start being actual good people and work to better ourselves, maybe we get to make our heaven here on earth. Maybe if we stop living in fear of authority and start putting some effort into this world and don't let these gods do what's in their will, we could live in a better world. Maybe...


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