Internet Folklore (I'm gonna do some internet,part three)

While yes,the internet has become some sort of a culture for every culture there is something strange

And because the internet made us unite our culture then even our folkore?Well yes...We now know more about the world and ourselfs and thus there are myths,creepy pastas and our own scary monsters:

Which brings me to my final question...Are we becoming a cultural singularity?

Well...maybe,but we will not know for now. But one thing that I am certain of is the fact that even though we got to be more distant of each other in real life,we merge towards a greater culture on the internet through music,videos,video games,pictures,rage comics and memes.And even the internet folklore.
(Part One)
(I know there is no mention of literature,but there will be one soon,it's a lot to cover) 


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Just a rather small thing to discuss.